ep36 – Jill Krahn

Today I’m chatting with a true entrepreneur. She is a hairdresser, a school co-owner, a school franchise co-owner, and her 25,000 square foot salon and med spa has been voted one of the top 100 salons by Elle Magazine no less than four times. I am so pleased to bring you my good friend Jill Krahn.

⁃ How did she get from a 3-chair boutique to her current 25,000ft salon with med spa and restaurant?

⁃ She had a detailed plan for running a very successful large salon, but no exit strategy. How will she know when it’s time to stop away?

⁃ What mistakes did she make along the way?

⁃ What’s the one biggest thing she wishes she’d done differently?

Complete Transcript

Chris Baran 0:00
How great would it be to get up close and personal with the beauty industry heroes? We love and admire and to ask them how did you learn to do what you do? I’m Chris Barron, a hairstylist and educator for 40 plus years, and I’m inviting all our heroes to chat and share the secrets of their success.

Today’s guest and her identical twin sister Jody Brown are what I would call the true entrepreneurs. They are the what I would say are the true epitomes of business people. Besides being hairdressers, as foundation, they are co owners of the salon professional academies Franchise Group, which has 30 Plus schools across the United States. They are co owners of the salon professional Academy in North Dakota. They are partners and EVP’s which is the Executive Vice President’s for the SPEC franchise. Their 25,000 square foot salon. Yes, I did say 25,000 square foot salon and medi spa is in Fargo, North Dakota. They’ve been voted top 100 salons by Elle magazine four times. And so let’s get into this week’s headcase Jill Krahn. Well, Jill, it I mean, we we talk sometimes weekly, so it took for the viewers and the listeners. Oftentimes, I’m doing these with people that I might be missing Buyten might be meeting the first time by the way, it is probably whatever it is nine o’clock in the morning, and no, I have not been drinking. That’s just my mouse. Jill, we talk regularly. But I had very specific reasons for having you on. And I just wanted to first of all say it’s good to see you and welcome to headcase. Thank you. Yeah, you know. So just for for the people that are listening and watching, Joe, besides being business partners in a couple of ventures, et cetera, we are, we’re close friends. And we’ve had done everything from party together to cry together to whatever, when it comes to everything that we’ve done. So the reality is, I just wanted to say that it’s great to have you on I want to the main one of the main reasons that I’ve got you on here, Gil is when I talked to so many salon owners, and I’m sure this applies to many businesses as well. They start with their business and and then they don’t know how to get out of it. You know, they just say I want to sell and then that time to sell. And I’m not I don’t want to talk about that now. But I want to give that to everybody. So you know, kind of where we’re going with this. But I want to set up Jill, just with a little bit of background for everybody. So Jill, the you have and we were just talking beforehand. And you said that Modern Salon just wanted to do a piece on you. So what was that?

Jill Krahn 3:07
They called us and they want to do a piece on our salon because it’s the largest one in the USA. So they did an article, I’ve seen the probe and we did a video. And I haven’t seen that yet, but thinking he’ll come come out any day.

Chris Baran 3:24
Yeah, so the everybody can look forward to it. And I must tell you, as Lee sort of bring up some of these pictures in here, but I want to because I’ve been there I’ve I’ve had, you know, some I was I’ll call it body, not body work. But I’ve had massages there before and your staff is incredible. But it’s just I think the mere size of the place that that shocks people when you think about that the average salon has six people in it. And so tell us about how many like, give us the kind of the broad scope of stations and setup that you have inside.

Speaker 2 4:03
You know, honestly, I had people in town say oh, they’re never gonna make it, you know, it’s too big. And we actually could add 100 Especially our Med Spa, and our spa has really grown. So we’re double shifting there. I’m lucky because I have my own school. So I have my own resource center for staffing. So, you know, it’s working.

Chris Baran 4:26
So how many stations how many stations because it’s usually what most people will go they’ll size? Well, you know, if they’re not familiar with size, we’ll go well how many stations do you have? How many employees do you have? So give us some insight into that.

Speaker 2 4:37
I believe we have 26 stations that are like almost four walls. And then we have 15 that are a little bit more private. And then we have 20 some treatment rooms. That’s how our stations are so you feel like you’re somewhat private which is nice. because we really wanted the the service provider to focus on the guest. I just hate it when service writers are talking to each other and not focusing on the guests. So this was for the guest experience. And we built this in 2017, we had no idea about COVID. So when COVID had this was like I had, we had people driving from Minneapolis, which is three hours away, just because of the distance. social distancing?

Chris Baran 5:28
Yeah, so And now, the I’m not sure if it’s still that way. But I know that at one time you had, you know, people were literally, how would you would you call it without being? That we’re poaching your stylists for independent salons? And? And Did you are you still what do you have an area where you have a commission base, and you can have your people can go and be independent within your organization as well. So

Speaker 2 5:55
every state is different. So you know, basically, our front desk is a different company. So it can answer the phones for all these different companies. That’s the grotto that you see there. It’s our March. But anyway, so we have, you know, we have four stages of people’s lives. So we call it our lifestyle salon, one where they come right out of school, they’re on boarded into the company, some people like our hourly paid, and then it’s based on, you know, bring in, it can go up, and we also have commission pay. And then we have a mini booth where this works really good for moms. So they can share their booths as well. And they’re independent, but everything goes to our front desk, because I’m really against not reporting your taxes. So I’m kind of a unique, independent, but because they love the fact that they have a receptionist and you know, they have all the services that come with it. So that makes a big difference. And then we have some that haven’t even a little bit more private, they just want more room and they want to do their own retail.

Chris Baran 7:02
So how does it How does it work for inventory? Like how does it work for because you have people that are hourly commissioned, and that on the other hand, you have independent people in there as well. And independent people, I think, by law have to purchase their own products, how do you make that work,

Speaker 2 7:18
we change the way we do inventory in all aspects of the salon, we have a dispense, you know, just like used to see in beauty school. And we have a person that’s running it

Chris Baran 7:30
all the time, Miss Martha Miss Martha will be in the back.

Speaker 2 7:36
And they you know, weigh everything and recorded. But it’s basically parts and labor, we kind of went like a car dealership, know instead of the percentage, because the percentage would always hurt the person that’s doing the most haircuts. But that person is doing the most color. So it really didn’t make sense. But parts and labor is factual. And you know what’s cool, when the guest checks out, they see the parts and labor. So I don’t have to control the stylist, so much on waste, because the guests do it for me.

Chris Baran 8:10
So just to be clear, the labor would be the services that you’re providing. And the parts would be whatever costs were incurred through inventory, it’s actually nice. And they print

Speaker 2 8:25
it we save $30,000 a month, $30,000 a month, switching to that program, that was a lot of work to set it up because we had to find out our cost per ounce, per half ounce. But once you get through that, and then we just have our inventory person work full time on checking if it changes because you know price has gone up since we opened and just keeping everything current.

Chris Baran 8:48
Your distributor must love you at that. We have

Jill Krahn 8:51
like our own little mini distributor center in that dispense. So even the people that are independent, they there’s many different little openings in it and they can come to it ring the bell, the lady comes over ways it puts it in the computer for them and and then it gets charged to their account.

Chris Baran 9:08
Charge and that way that way, they don’t have to have a huge inventory in each of their booths and and it keeps it legal.

Jill Krahn 9:16
I was hearing so many people from from salon centric and Fargo was saying that people would come two or three times a day because they didn’t have the money or the color they were about to do and I thought well, we’ll just set up our own little dispensce and they can and we pass on the savings to them too. If we have any specials or anything. We’re just trying to be very transparent.

Chris Baran 9:36
Yeah. And what prompted I mean, I know this all came about you have this built in when you built this large medi spa correct. So but what happened what like what prompted what made the shift in your brain when you went listen while I and these are my words, not yours so you can bring them out but I’m trying to give some context to this You, you said, Look, this is not working because the industry has shifted, etc. And so rather than just sitting like what was the what was the spark that you went, Okay, well, if we can’t make this work as commissioner, we’re going to shift and what happened there.

Jill Krahn 10:14
So we, we just saw that it really wasn’t working to take a percentage, because of the people that cut the most got hurt the most. And they really weren’t using product and the people that were using a lot of products paid less. So it didn’t make sense. So we just took everything out of our thought process. And we decided to come up with our own. And then we just got about the car dealership. But we actually interviewed the parts guy there and went over everything, their inventory system, everything. And we work with Envision Software, and they built helped build the program for us, which is so awesome. And it made a huge difference. And everybody loved it, because we didn’t want them to have excuse to leave. We wanted it to be just actual cost, so they could get our people that. Love it.

Chris Baran 11:05
Yeah, thank you. Sorry. And I’m sorry, if I stepped away. The the point that I’m getting at here is I’m noticing this across the industry where you know, everybody at one time went all independent, all poopoo that idea, but it started it’s really started to take off in a lot of areas the partner I’m getting what happened to you that you went, listen, if you can’t win them, join them? What what happened that you went, Okay, well, we’re just going to add this in what like, what was the I don’t know if it was just as obvious as I said, or but what was your incentive to, to include independent in your business, my

Jill Krahn 11:40
identical twin sister, and she loves Excel spreadsheets. So we’ve worked well. Jodi, Jodi Brown. Anyway, we just decided that we, we really listened. And we were just watching and listening. And it sounds kind of crazy. But we’re just watching and listening, we saw such lifestyle shifts and a woman world, you know, if they’re single moms, we have a lot of single moms that go to our school and get no child support. So we’re trying to find something that would work with them, and just literally being a mom in general. So that kind of what sparked the mindset shift was how can we serve these women and men? So we have a man that, you know, has kids too? How can we better serve them? So then we decided to design this as a lifestyle salon. Because, you know, when you come out of beauty school, and you know, you have not a lot of clientele that you know, aren’t really pay. And then if you have kids, you know, the main thing was the, the shift to their their schedule, so they could still have family first. So we are all about family first. And I think that’s what keeps us so busy and so full. That’s a priority to us.

Chris Baran 12:59
Yeah, the this is when this man want to get very quickly into when people want to when they start and then they always say that two best times of owning a salon as the day buy it and the day you sell it. I think it’s a kind of a generalization because there’s many great times in there, however, wouldn’t I want to talk to you first about when did you see that use you and Jody started to pull yourself away from being at the chair, and start to just focus more on the vision of where you want your company to be.

Jill Krahn 13:33
It was 1999 September, isn’t that crazy? How I can do that. I think I was doing three days a week. And I was probably doing more than anybody else in the salon. You know, you just booked yourself with service. Yeah. And I was getting interrupted so much that I thought I’m really not giving the guests the service that they deserve. And that’s when I decided, you know, I need to be a mom, I need to you know, really focus on where my energies lie. So we decided just cold turkey. We sent out information to all of our guests, and we stayed with them for a while. So it’s like six months transition. And we know we’re other people in the salon. And they only had to do one redo and it took two people, maybe three people to replace us, but I got my life back. So I can strategize and have time to think and kind of put stuff on spreadsheets have time to discuss and really have time to listen. Because when you’re behind the chair, you can’t really see what’s going on around you. And I missed behind the chair. I loved the creativity and all that but I really needed to focus on the business and I really needed service not only the guests, but I also needed service my my team.

Chris Baran 14:47
Yeah, but what I love that you said there is I took a step back so I could look and see what was going on and I I think that’s something that often How’d you get hairdressers as owners get so involved in their business that the vision that they they had gets so clouded by paying bills and putting out fires, etc, that I think that’s so wise, of being able to do that just step back, you know, and because I know I can, I’m only going to speak about myself here. I think that there’s that that side in our industry where we move from employee to a business owner, that could be I have a staff of 123 10 or 1000. And it could be an independent, but they the I remember, my teachers always saying, I felt proud it was to hang your shingle over the door. And I think that’s just an old western movie context there. You know, that it could, you know, Chris’s salon Chris’s barbershop, Chris’s beauty salon, Chris’s Beauty Box, whatever that would be. So you could have your name on the shingle, and that became about the what’s the word, I know what the word I’m looking for is the verification of look at who I am looking at how I got here. And I think that what happens is an owner that I love that you’re saying is, look at if I want to become an entrepreneur, a true business people, I need to focus on my business. And I need to focus on my people,

Jill Krahn 16:16
right? Absolutely. So I purposely never named it My name back in the day, 40 years ago, almost. Because I knew that someday I’d sell it, you know. But I didn’t realize back in the day that I would have a salon and a med spa and all that we just added on. And we talked to marketing agencies about changing the name, because right now it’s hard to access salons. But we’re known in the area now. So that helps.

Chris Baran 16:45
Well, and I think that it’s so nice is when you are in an area, and you have the you know, hair success that you have pun intended, that you become a destination. So it’s not necessarily location, as they always say, location, location, location, unless you’re a destination spot. But So just very quickly before I want to hit into some of our main reason why I want people to listen to you is what was the size of your first salon? And when did that happen? At 2017, when you finally built this, what what is it 2525 20 25,000 26,000 square foot?

Jill Krahn 17:29
Boy, my first salon was an eight in Minnesota, and if it was 1000 square feet, it was at least one or two people. And then we just for a while that we had three locations. And you know, every county is different. So in my town, everybody goes to the south part of the county, not every town, you can do this with ours, it didn’t it makes sense to take the 322 and then the two to one. Because everybody goes to that part of town. So I’m a believer that location is still important, because we’re a destination spa for those gift cards and stuff. But we still are every day, you know, servicing company for people. So location is very important. So we actually sat down, we just picked randomly some guests of ours and we had strategy sessions, we gave them some wine and drinks and some food and asked them a lot of questions. And then they gave us a lot of feedback because I did not think we were going to be in the location we were and to kind of help drive us there. So we use guest input and we asked them what they’d like to see in their town. And that’s how we started kind of plugging in playing and putting it all together.

Chris Baran 18:40
Nice. Well that that kind of sets up because like So you went from one to two people to now I didn’t count the number of people but I’m guessing it’s more than 20 30,40 people that you have employed in your business and everything in there from your boutique to your restaurant and grotto which you know you I think is a great idea if somebody wants to relax and go have a cocktail or whatever I think but I want to talk a little bit about the the knowledge that you have new and I have been talking about this for a long time and you’re out there there’s a picture of the Grotto where you’re going and I’ve had I’ve had a couple glasses of wine in there and and what I love I love you even have a couple of recipes and things that you take from people that you know that are good recipes and you employ them in there. But I want to talk to you a little bit sorry go ahead buddy

Jill Krahn 19:32
marry recipe we use

Chris Baran 19:35
oh yes well mix them on there a lot what else but there’s so many people that I know myself included like when I had salons for X number of years and and it was always a decision that not a snap but it was an evolution I wanted to move I wanted to move from I was Canadian. So I wanted to move from one province to the next. So I had to obviously sell the businesses that I had there and so on, so, but I had no knowledge of how to how to sell a salon, other than just going, Hey, I’m selling anybody want to buy? And then, you know, it never turns out exactly the way you want. So I know since then that you you guys have programs that you set up and on what’s called secession planning. But first, can you tell us what actually is like if we say to somebody, you have you got a succession plan in place? Can you tell us what that is? You? Absolutely

Jill Krahn 20:33
first I want to back up just a little bit. So I’ve always believed in networking with other entrepreneurs. So my first one was Noelle DiCaprio out of Stamford, Connecticut. And she kind of basically told us how to structure a day spa. And all the tips and tricks she gave us, we never would have figured out for years. So she kind of sped us up a little bit for growth. Best thing I ever did I have a place in my salon on in her memory. She’s just an amazing lady. Then from there, I also worked with Summit. Randy Kunkel was huge for me. In fact, when I first was interviewing, who to network with, he said these words to me, so you have these three big salons. But you don’t have an exit plan. And I was ‘yep’, I have three big salons, I don’t have an exit plan, and I decided to hire him. So it’s interesting how many people go into a business and they don’t think about the exit, I did somewhat think about the exit because of the name when I first set it up, because then I don’t want to work myself to death. I’m also a mom. So I think it’s important that people know that they should always when going into a business, always in their mind, or have somebody help them structure, how to exit it as well.

Chris Baran 21:50
Yeah, yeah, it’s it. I find it very interesting that what you said, and I think that was insightful to say, I need to know it. And whether it was somebody else had sparked it. I know from talking to so many people that it’s day to day doing what I do, and then not planning for it. So how did like So walk us through? How if you actually want to back that up a step? Because even when we said talked about secession planning, I’m one of those people that want to know, Well, okay, secession planning, what is that different than, than an exit strategy, etc. But even corporations as a whole, there is really no owner like in small business, but corporations are always there are always secession planning, meaning, who are my top people? Where are they going to go? How far do we How far are they going to work with us? Where are they going to go? So they’re always thinking about, who is the next person that’s going to replace the person that could be leaving, so they’re always planning for it. And I find that secession planning actually is built, you know, like success ion, it’s, it’s, you know, planning on your success. But how does this How does this succeed, not succeed? And how did you set yours up in the very beginning?

Jill Krahn 23:10
So we were actually deciding that we wanted to open a school because the school in Fargo didn’t want us to come in to recruit anymore, because they felt like we were competitors with their salons. Oh, anyway, I love that from the movie, Pretty Woman. Anyway. So we thought, how can we free up our time, even more. So because time was money. So we thought, if we’re going to do this, we’re going to sell some stock to some of our key players in the business. Now we let everybody who was interested interviewed for the position, but we kind of knew who we were going to probably get. But we still wanted to make sure there were the best surprises, no surprise, maybe there’s somebody that really had the drive that we’re just not aware of. So we brought on stockholders. And I have to say, we had to fire to stockholders too, because it went to their head. They couldn’t get past me, to we, you know, and us, you know, all these different mindsets that you go through. So we tried coaching them through it, but they just couldn’t get past the me. So in our stockholder agreement, it’s very user friendly to us. Because we own majority of the stock. So at any time, we could pull the trigger and let them out, and then we can buy them out or the rest of the stockholders could buy that we have that in the in the agreement. So how you said no agreements, important, every state is different and what you can and can’t do so. So we set up our agreement, we had everybody sign it. We had our accountants, you know, figure out what our EBIDA was kind of where we were with a stock value was, and I have to say, don’t wait too. You’re too big. That was a mistake I made um, because then it gets kind of expensive. So I was lucky though, because I started early, our Buyout is 20 years succession. So otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to afford to buy us out. And I wanted my cue people to, to be able to have it. Another point I would do different is I would have probably picked a little bit of a younger group, because a lot of them are kind of my age. So then we’re all going to be looking for the next stockholder, you know, being younger. But so we did that, because you know, 49% of your business is debt equity. 51 is control. So we saw that you can stockholders only two, we’ve let go, the rest have been absolutely amazing. Yep, our time so that we can then open another business. So we bought a school, and then the two together just kind of support each other. And then let’s kind of work together.

Chris Baran 25:53
Yeah, I want to go back a second there. Because there’s for the and we’re not going to go all math on everybody here. But us you had an interesting set, you had to figure out all of your expenses, etc. But you had used a term called EBIDA. Can you tell us what what is Eb da? And what how does that affect what we do

Jill Krahn 26:12
even is your earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation amortization. So an accountant kind of has to decide what that is. And then we scaled it down to how many shares we wanted to sell in the business. And you can do 1000, shares, 100, shares, whatever you want to do, and then you bid divided by that amount. And then what we did is every quarter when we would do a breakout, then the stockholders would have to pay us a check. And then we would have to pay them a check. So they were slowly buying us out. But in the meantime, we were slowly making more money, which gave more capital to invest in other ventures.

Chris Baran 26:56
Yeah, so the so just to without going too deep into this, but so do these, some people I’ve heard will say, well, listen, they can get in with sweat equity. Is that do? Is that kind of what this is? Or is it but you know, sweat equity means there’s no money out of their pocket, but you’re actually saying is that a mistake of people do that if they want to? Or you can just put sweat equity and it doesn’t cost you anything? How do you what do you feel about that

Jill Krahn 27:23
is a day when I opened my salon because I was a single woman, they would not or they even give me a loan. So I had to flip some houses back in the day before that was even famous to get the loan. I would never let anybody in and sweat equity because their mindsets not going to be the same. They need to have their their life a little bit on the line. They need to sign the paper go to the bank. You know, have it there otherwise, their mind shift does not turn or just take off. Nothing in nothing out, you know?

Chris Baran 27:54
Yep. Yeah. As one first one famous person once said, you can’t go there what’s even got any teeth in the game, right. So listen, so what do you do say to them that like is the money that they get from quarterly payouts that they get back to? They have to do you advise? Like if I Okay, I’m the new I’m a new guy. I haven’t done any succession planning and I want to start it. Do I pitch this to my people? And then do I get them to give? Do they have to give me money? Some money up front? There, so and well? How do you know? How would you normally work that with them,

Jill Krahn 28:35
depending upon how long you wait to do this. For us, we just required 20% down so 20% They had to get a loan from a bank or beheaded. But we required 20% down and then every every quarter, they would put money in and then the stock would go up. So they started at a lower stock. And then it slowly goes up for 20 years to get to the point where they want to be for stock. And in the meantime they pay us. So

Chris Baran 29:08
yeah, so if let’s just put the put that in. In simple terms, for those of us out there, me included, not that are not math geniuses, like you and Jill, are you and Jody, if my business is is worth $100 and and I’m going to sell somebody 10% share, then they’d have to take out a loan, if they want a 10% Share 10% of $100 would be $10. Right? And they would have to take out a loan for 20% of that for $2. Is that correct? pay you the $2 and then the rest is is is is paid in hell.

Jill Krahn 29:51
So then they pay the rest to us every quarter, whatever that you know on their stock is we haven’t figured out Excel spreadsheet for 20 years, whatever that calculation came to it, the price of stock and how much stock they wanted to get. So everybody’s a little bit different. We have some stockholders that own more stock than others. And then we bring to our breakout, so the breakouts would help them with the paycheck. But still, they paid us more than we paid them. And there’s some times that, you know, we decided for a while that we’re not going to do any breakouts, because we’re going to build this big building. So, you know, and talk about a committed team to do that, because they knew we kind of showed them where the journey is going to build this mega store. And then, you know, obviously sell it down to the next group of stockholders.

Chris Baran 30:41
Yeah, and if they know what the vision is, and you paint the picture, right, then obviously, there’s always going to be a bit of risk. Yeah, so you talk a little bit about, there’s going to be some risk. But here’s, here’s what this could end up as. So I think that’s that, that’s just your I know, you and I know, God, and how you are with your team. And, you know, I think it’s always that you have to be straight with the people and tell them what it is. And then they’ll they’ll, they’ll go the mile for you. And you can do so

Jill Krahn 31:11
much more when you have a team versus your individual self. That’s why those two women that were I people are me people, they’d never worked because we have to be a team. And you can do so much more when you have operation directors and certain operations. So I have five, and they each have a certain operation that they oversee. In my salon. And as it’s grown, you know, it always shifts and we even have to bring some people that are respectful. There’s even helpful that as well.

Chris Baran 31:41
Yeah. So they they’ll so these five people, they own up to X amount, and they but everyone has, they’re not just sure they’re not silent shareholders. So explain the difference to people like that’s, I mean, it’s different than going to your family and saying, Hey, I’m buying a business can you get lend me some money and they invest in? They can be either, you know, a loan or shareholders or whatever. But there’s difference when you have people that are actually working as shareholders. So can you explain what do you how do you how do you function out? How do you delegate who does what and who has responsibilities and accountability? For what? Yeah,

Jill Krahn 32:19
it’s funny you say that, because there’s two groups because I like to network with people that really helped us. Johnny Shilada was one where he actually had different mindsets, because we’re not all the same. Like some people are strong in accounting, some people are strong and leadership. So I didn’t want to all be the same. The other one was Dale Carnegie, we hired Dale Carnegie, when we were interviewing that people just to see where their strengths and weaknesses were. And we also did the disc test, because we didn’t want to be all the same, we’re all the same, then we’re going to, we’re going to fail, because we need all those different personalities to really make the whole thing work. So it’s very interesting, too, because when we did that, it made us not only make the whole thing work, but it also made us understand each other. That was how we can work together more, we kind of just know that, okay, if there’s going to be a task, we know that that’s gonna go to Shannon, or that’s gonna go to Pam, you know, just knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are.

Chris Baran 33:21
So if you had to tell people that, you know, obviously, this is nothing nailed in stone. But if you have a larger business, well, let me say this, let’s start off with small and then move ourselves to larger if you were going to have one or two shareholders to start with. What would you what would the areas you would look for, like you say, this area is the kind of person that I’m looking for, to do X job, and this one is to do that job. One

Jill Krahn 33:49
is HR & . Accounting or bookkeeping,

Chris Baran 33:54
I would say those, that’s kind

Jill Krahn 33:56
of the thing about Jodi and I, she is the bookkeeper. And I’m the HR so together, that’s worked well for us. But then when we brought on our team, we needed both of them as well, we just need content you grow, you need both in both areas.

Chris Baran 34:11
Got it. So if you’re small, then you need somebody that’s there to look after all the accounting the numbers, and then the other person is in HR looking after relationships right. Now, let’s say for the medium to large size, and they’ve got say more than let’s say they’ve got 10 plus people, what would you subscribe to for the positions that they should have?

Jill Krahn 34:32
You know, for 10 people, I still think they probably only need to, Oh, interesting 25 and 30. Maybe you add three, you know, it kind of goes as as you grow and how much they can handle. One of my stockholder or a couple of my faculty is still behind the chair, but they do take office days too. So you know, it all depends on where you’re at with your growth and your operations. So Jody, and I just kind of oversee the businesses now we’ve Don’t do the I mean, we’re always there. I mean, I’m at the school today. Tomorrow, I’ll be at salon , I like being on site just to hold everybody accountable. But I don’t do the do anymore. It just, yeah, we have meetings.

Chris Baran 35:17
Yeah. But I think that’s important. Because one thing that I hear from employees, you know, when they don’t understand the full aspect of being an owner vision, and all the other things that that are putting out fires, etc, is, sometimes they just think that, Oh, you’re just standing back taking in all the money, and we’re sitting here doing all the work. While that is an opinion, we know that is not necessarily true, because, you know, maybe for some, but most people are doing other work other than services at the chair. But I want to go back what what are still areas that you would say like, is there somebody that needs to be in charge of education? Or what are other areas besides the relationship between the people working and, and the numbers,

Jill Krahn 36:03
you know, we have, we have it in departments. And then education, I’ve just always done the education because I have the relationships with redken. So that I know everybody, but I do have, you know, different stockholders that helped me when we have on site classes and stuff. So we have breakfast, we have everything all ready for them. We the big markers that my friend Chris Baran likes to use any kind of teaching tools that they need. But so we have one in charge of our spa and Med Spa, we have another one in charge of hair, another one in charge of the restaurant that we have, because we do a lot of celebrations in that restaurant, like, like Wednesday’s is WINOS Wednesdays for women in need of Saturday. It’s kind of band. I mean, we just always try to make it. Time to celebrate and really spend time with your family and friends. So we have somebody in charge of that. And then of course front desk, and then bocce.

Chris Baran 37:04
This episode is sponsored by the salon associate accelerator from trainers playbook.com. Are you struggling with the time and cost of associate training? Do you feel like your salon is running you will get your associates on the floor, all with 90% Less time from you. So you can get back to building your business. Get them world class design, finishing color and client care skills they’ll use every day for the rest of their career. While you focus on realizing your vision. Go to trainers playbook.com and get the salon associate accelerator. And now back to the show. Now, I want to go back I want to go back to this you know your I’m not sure if I heard it right. But why no Wednesdays for women of women of what

Jill Krahn 37:58
of sanity of sanity.

Chris Baran 38:00
Sanity Saturday. Yeah. And so it’s just it’s is that come in and just have a glass of wine? Or is that come in? Get your hair done have a glass of wine, how does that work, usually

Jill Krahn 38:10
do ball of some kind and get their hair done have a glass of wine, but usually it’s just to come back and relax and just try all these different wines. Sometimes we’ll even have a food pairing with the wines. And we usually take it from a different country kind of theme. So it’s not something we normally have. So it’s exclusive for that night. And then for men too. I mean, we can have a beer flights that we can have whiskey plates for women. Wine, like

Chris Baran 38:37
Yeah. And what I love is that the fact is, it’s it’s making everybody aware whether it No, these will just customer and when I say just customers, but customers that are your fan base, or does that help you attract other people that may not be coming to your your business yet.

Jill Krahn 39:00
So our grotto was meant for to be a celebration center. And it’s really taken off because I mean, we have groups that rent it for the weekend. Because we’re not open Saturday nights. We’re now open Sundays, and we’re out on Friday nights. We do a lot of wedding parties on Friday nights. So all these new people are coming. And they go wow, I didn’t know that you could, you know, have a glass of wine and a beer legally. Like this in a salon environment. So we really designed it for, you know, lifestyle because we’re sometimes we we have a cross between generations like my generation was you work hard, you know, all the time and 60 hours a week who cares? The new generation is 27 hours a week. How can we balance my type of people with younger people younger people need that make sure they can retire some days. And then as older people need that balance, so we’re always talking about balance. Lots of times we’ll bring in speakers about balance and parenting and skincare and You know, everything that we think

Chris Baran 40:02
good for, you know, I think that’s, that’s amazing. Now I want to just kind of jump back into this, because we were talking about shareholders built their businesses and what they do when you get a shareholder, that’s been behind the chair. So Chris is one of your people. And he or she, you’re saying is, well, that could be a potentially good person. But Chris has been behind the chair all this while and he or she has the mindset of focusing singularly on one person. And now I have to move from that mindset to be, as you called it, we business, what what did they just fold in? Learn? How do you how do you Well, what does it transition,

Jill Krahn 40:53
it’s crazy, but it’s kind of like, the more money you make, the more you think differently. So when they first started, yes, they were kind of me thinkers, kind of all of them a little bit because they don’t know anything different. And as we drew the vision, and the Excel spreadsheets, we could make them think bigger, you know, about how this could be bigger and better not only for themselves, but for the end game to sell it to the next generation. And not only that, they have pride in you know, really trying to be a five star, Salon and Spa. So it’s all about, you know, teaching people how to communicate, how to, you know, dress for success, how to set yourself up for success, all those things are really important. And then also to, to set yourself up for feedback. Because it’s constructive feedback is where the real life lessons happen.

Chris Baran 41:54
Yeah, interesting. Yeah. So yeah, I was gonna say, that’s really, they’ve got to get training, not only for mindset, but for knowledge, is that, and I’m sure that’s why you had people like my good friend, Johnny stellato, in there, who helps with team building and team understanding. And, and I think that in building your culture, so how important you know, and I know, this is a stupid question, but it’s, I can’t think of anywhere else, and how to get there, but how important is culture within your organization,

Jill Krahn 42:28
everything, because attitude is all about being grateful to everybody, but it also is the altitude of the business. So if they don’t feel that gratitude, or feel like they’re accomplishing something, then the culture shifts, because they’ll have anger, or they think they’re working too hard, or whatever it may be. That’s why even if they’re 1099, according to our lease, we have dress code in there, you know, we even have, you know, our expectations on you know, professionalism, five star, we have here success, five stars system that we use, and they have to self evaluate themselves. And usually they’re harder on themselves than we are, they have to go through that. It’s like, okay, now they know where their areas to grow, and nine times out of 10, we don’t even have to tell them, because they already kind of know, but at least we set the expectation, because that expectation is going to not only affect their bottom line, but it’s gonna affect the whole team, and how we work together.

Chris Baran 43:35
Yeah, that’s amazing, because I, you know, I think culture is a word that gets bandied about not inappropriately, but the reality is, is, you know, people think that if you have the right culture, that there is no arguments, there is no conflict. But there is I mean, if you look at most some of the most winning sports that there are out there, they they still have conflict within the team. But then the team which has rules knows how to deal with it, you know, and they can just get that out of the way That’s just human nature that we’re, we’re going to have conflict especially, you know, just banter. Yeah, having a code of honor and rules of the way that you play the game together. And you stand by one another as because we all know that the more people that you have involved in your business, the more likelihood there is going to be of conflict and there is more likelihood that there is going to be hard harder to hold people get people to toe the line. Okay, so we’ve talked about about that and you started your exit strategy, aka secession planning. I’m gonna say it was probably 20 plus years ago. Is that somewhat close?

Jill Krahn 44:54
It’s about 18 years ago I started

Chris Baran 44:58
Okay, good. And you I suggest to people to have it about 20 years out so that you can make it work.

Jill Krahn 45:04
And you could even do a 10 and a 15. But it all depends on where you’re at. I waited too long, my salon was worth too much value. So don’t wait too long. It just depends on what your cost per share is and what they can afford. I have three big salons at the time I thought of it. Or it was brought up to me and I, I always wondered how I was going to sell it. i Nothing worse than seeing somebody just closing their business. And not, you know, handing off the baton baton to somebody. I think that’s just sad, because they put all this work all this energy for a year that their passion, and then they get nothing for it.

Chris Baran 45:45
Yeah, the Commission, the new people,

Jill Krahn 45:47
even to another level, you know,

Chris Baran 45:49
yeah, yeah. Because that’s all part of the evolution factor that goes along with the business. Right. So you’re not saying that, you, you it’s succession planning so that the business stays stagnant? They just take it over. It’s constantly evolving, constantly growing constantly worth more money. And then and that’s what gives the drive for more people to join your organization? Yeah, yes.

Jill Krahn 46:10
And just an example. We have a 22 year old that just started and she’s amazing. And she’s taking all of our departments in with apps, on you know, work schedules. And between them, we granted we have an internal Facebook page that we have fun with and, and stuff like that. And we do share some information, we have rules on there, what can go on there, and what can’t go on there. And I’ll take it off if I see anything. But I really haven’t even had to monitor it much. But just having these apps for each department to talk with in them as you get bigger. It was huge. You know, and I’m not as technical as them. So I think that’s great.

Chris Baran 46:51
You know, Jill, that’s another thing worth thing worthy of noting in there is I’ve seen people that have taken over or they will get a position and then they want to micromanage everything. While you’re saying here, this is your responsibility. But as the owner, I still want to micromanage everything and have you know, check the dots cross the T’s rather than just letting people run with something. I’m not saying let it fail, but you have to give some people autonomy. So is that is that a necessary part of what you do is, and what I liked that you said is they just come up with these ideas and do them and I only have to do a safety check if something is working.

Jill Krahn 47:31
Yeah, it’s so funny. You said at the beginning, our team wanted to do this, that and whatever. And Jody and I had already done it, we knew that it would probably fail. But we thought, You know what, that’s how we learned because we built the lessons are in the failures. We spent the money and we did it. And this situation, it did fail. But there’s other situations that they came up with, that didn’t fail. So but if you if you don’t let them fail, you don’t give them the authority to do their job. You know, I won’t step on somebody else ever. Like, they tried to pay the mom against that type of role with us of me and the manager. And I said, Did you go to this person? Did you talk about this? I’m not going to answer any questions. Until I know you’ve gone through it with this person first.

Chris Baran 48:20
Yeah, you know, the other thing that I just a side note from this as our teacher, that one of the teachers that I have always talks about, that Jason and Jason Everett and he says, you know, if you’re the constantly the one that answers all the questions, they’ll they’ll always come to you to the questions. And the example he gave was, is he was coaching someone they said, I can’t stand it when my staff keep coming in here. And they’ll say what time is the meeting again? And and and then that person would have to respond well, the meetings at 1030 or whatever time it was, and they said why are they doing that just because you tell them the answer? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so we’ve given everybody some ideas of what secession planning is and how to do it, etc. But the the like let’s say you’re in the latter part of your is the you’re a salon owner. You haven’t done any exit strategy. And you know, you’ve got to two to three years left and right because I know I just had this conversation with a good friend of mine just the other day very successful salon didn’t feel they had the right people to CES to take over and govern themselves about three years left and what would you say to those people like how did they Is there a do they plan or is it what how would they let’s say they got three years left or two years left in their? In their children want to hang up the scissors or the color brush or whatever? What would you say to them?

Jill Krahn 49:51
Um, you know, there’s so many different ways that you can sell your business if you don’t have the right people. There are Business Brokers For example, I had a school in Canada, and then COVID hit, well, they don’t let you cross the border. So we hired a business broker to help us sell that, because we can even get there to find people. And that that’s very, very common. I’ve seen a lot of people do that. And then the business broker will help find the right people to bring in, I even had a girlfriend that had two salons merged together, so that they could do make this happen. Better. So I’ve seen all different kinds of scenarios. And you can also hire a broker to look for private equity, if you’re really big. And you you want somebody to buy it. And then they they manage it at a little bit different level. But not saying that it’s a bad level, either, because they have their checks and balances as well. Yeah, and within your team is still in place, too. So, you know, it’s not like they’re starting over. So there’s so many different ways they can do it, depending where you’re at.

Chris Baran 51:02
Yeah. So if you had to, like if we had to sum that up into, say, three or four points that you would advise people to do when they want to plan their exit strategy, what would those be?

Jill Krahn 51:17
Number one, create the journey? So the people you think you have that wouldn’t do it, don’t have any idea what the journey or the vision is? So a lot of people will say to me, why don’t have the people will? Have you ever shared your vision? And where you want to take it? And then as you say, No, well, you’ve got to share that with them. Because you’ll be surprised, I was shocked on who wanted this to be a partner in the business. Because they, they wanted to be in business for themselves, but they didn’t want to be by themselves. Because it’s I mean by yourself, and you’re you’re working hard versus smart. They wanted to work smarter, and work, you just end up working smarter. So number one, draw the vision. Number two, ask those hard questions, you know, that that, you know, the what do Where do you want to take it? Where Don’t you want to take it with each one of the people that you’re interviewing. And then also you have to really do the baseline evaluation, your methodology of how you want to do that, you know, because the thing that’s helped keep our stockholders culture and attitudes up is an Excel spreadsheet of we know where we’re going, you know, so we know where we’re taking it.

Chris Baran 52:27
And you meet and is that from more than a monetary level or strictly from monetary level?

Jill Krahn 52:32
It’s kind of both because, you know, you’re creating a legacy for yourself and for passing it on. So,

Chris Baran 52:40
yeah, I loved how, in the you’ve talked about giving your vision. And then I think it was in number two, you talked about aligning the visions, which was, here’s my vision. But if you’re part of it, where do you want it to go and making sure that the two fit together, and you’re not going in paths that are that are contrary. So I love

Jill Krahn 53:02
that. And not to mention, there’s brilliance in each one of the people in our organization, I mean, down to the brand new 22 year old that just started, you know, so you just got to pull the brilliance out of them. But you’ve got to make it a safe area. So they they’re not scared to be able to share and do all that. So some of these, I like to call them spitball ideas have been amazing. Like, for example, one that shocked me years ago was, you know, why don’t we call the TV and radio people? And why don’t we do their hair and makeup. And then we’ll just exchange our cost for marketing and advertising. And I thought, well, yeah, why don’t we do that? So we called the TV station. And people think oh my gosh, you know, the weatherman goes there and all these people go there so they think it’s like a famous place in fact, we’ve been one of my front desk, one of the weather guides. Autograph so I mean, it just kind of brings excitement having all of them there as well. And it’s also again advertising your work on it. And that was a simple idea that somebody that I would never expected to come out of now granted he gave me probably 50 before that but you know work with that one was good.

Chris Baran 54:19
Yeah, yeah, that’s it you know, it’s you as long as you’re throwing enough ideas out you’re gonna pick one or two that are gonna be great if you don’t ask you don’t get Yeah, you don’t ask you don’t joke What what’s so what as an overall I mean, I I know you and because we’ve been friends for you embrace business partners together for years. But what what really pushes you? What’s what what like when Joe gets up in the morning? Why do you do what you do? Because I know you as for those of you who don’t know, well, I can phone Jill at nine or 10 o’clock at night her time and she’s still at work. So but why do you Do you do? We Oh, yeah, there you go. Why do you do what you do? I love

Jill Krahn 55:04
what I do. And you know, time management is always something I work with. So I can try to shorten those days. It’s really seeing those light bulbs turn on with others that really kind of make me do what I do. And I just kind of want to be able to pass that on. I mean, I was taught by so many mentors, all these years and I’m very education hungry. I, I always want to learn how to do it better.

Chris Baran 55:32
Yeah, what are some of those mentors?

Jill Krahn 55:35
You were one of them. Blair singer is one of them. Johnny stellato, Noel DiCaprio. Randy Kunkel. My sister’s, my my stockholders. I have some Jason Everett, I have so many of them. But I truly believe in always looking for education and mentees. Because it’s nice to see another person’s perspective. You know, because how I think it may be and how they think it may be is not even the same. So it’s kind of cool. I liked I guess I don’t call it constructive criticism, but I like different people’s views. Because there’s always ways to do it better.

Chris Baran 56:15
Yeah. And I liked what you said there was, you know, constructive criticism, but you know, sometimes, you know, it’s not criticism, if you’re just stating the obvious, you know, you know, here’s the here’s how, here’s what happened. What do you think that happened there? And let people discover from that. It’s, it’s, it’s, I think, when people beat people up, that’s what happens too often in our culture. And in our society, we do we make a mistake, and then there’s almost like a freefall that happens from there. And then so we say, We’re never going to make a mistake. We’re never going to try anything new. But again, that’s a whole nother

Jill Krahn 56:50
right. What are your band aids used to say? Say that those band aids?

Chris Baran 56:55
Oh, yeah, mistakes are okay.

Jill Krahn 56:57
So when you when you make that culture, it’s the thing of it is with mistakes for business. It’s not personal. It’s always trying to get everybody to think out of their box, you know, and not stay in it.

Chris Baran 57:13
Yeah, that was just as an FYI. So people are wondering, when we’re talking about band aids, what do you say, we use band aids as a part of our marketing campaign with our company fuel that, you know, we knew that mistakes are okay. And you often have a wound and you can put that on. And that was actually wasn’t something we came up with. I believe that was, I think was Bobby foster Kelly, that that said, you should have you should make band aids that that have mistakes. Okay, on one went, That’s freaking brilliant. Yeah. Yeah. So that’s where some of that stuff comes from. In your evolution process? I mean, you went from hairdresser, entrepreneur, you own franchises. What, in your the evolution that you’ve had from one to the other? What if there was something that was out there that you wish you hadn’t done? And I know, there’s going to be everybody says that? Well, everything that I do is, you know, made me who I am today. But there really is no, there is also that other side that it doesn’t mean, we won’t be who we were, if we did something differently, what did what we did at a time. Is there something that you in there that in your element evolution, what would that be that they wish you wouldn’t have done,

Jill Krahn 58:26
or more education sooner? I worked hard for many years before I worked, learn how to work smart. And it was really hooking up with like minded entrepreneurs, but you have to go out there, you have to find it, you have to go look for it. I wish I would have done that 15 years sooner, because for 15 years, I really kind of just stayed the same until I finally started, you know, looking for, you know, education in every aspect. So I really wish I would have started that earlier. Yeah, it’s teeming with other people, entrepreneurs, I will tell you, I am very picky about who I spend my time with. And if somebody is negative, or brings me down, I just, I just can’t go there. I yep, I just really focused on my friends and people that build me up. And I learned from the other ones that you know, of course, I’m going to try to change them a little bit if I can, or try to make them have a mirror and look at themselves. I want had a good girlfriend. Tell me some factual things sometimes. And it’s like, wow, you can take it if you’ve built that relationship with them to be able to build that relationship.

Chris Baran 59:40
Yeah, if you trust the person that you know, it’s coming from the right place. That you know, people see I mean, the size of your business, the size of organization, the number of businesses that you have, you have homes, you have Lake houses, etc, and all the stuff that comes along with having a good deal of success. But sometimes Most people don’t see the shit that you have to push through. You know, they don’t see the setbacks that you had. And the the the rough patches that were in your life what were there any that was out there where you said my mom, I don’t want to get out of bed today. Was it? Was there any of those that I mean, sure, it wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops along the way, what was Was there anything out there that really was setbacks that you had that you had to get through at

Jill Krahn 1:00:30
night column ceilings. And they’re tough, because you hit ceilings as you’re growing. And sometimes you don’t realize you hit that ceiling. So when stuff isn’t changing, what we like to do is just back away, and look and listen, and see what we could do better. Or we’ll have our stockholders or operation directors come in, and we’ll have a little session on, you know, what could we do better, and just, I want everybody just to listen, I want you to just to come back in a week, tell me what you learned. And let’s, you know, think out of the box. And when we hit a ceiling, with our salons, we actually brought a bunch of our guests that we purposely picked different agents. And so we get all these different perspectives, and we had strategy sessions, they were so amazed that, you know, we bought drinks and dinner and we had it all structured, and, and we had our sheets, but then we had, you know, this open sheet for them. And that’s where the learning became, because it wasn’t from us, you know, how they viewed the business and what they’d like to see. So that was huge. So I would say, take a step back, listen and learn, because you’re gonna and then you’re gonna pop through those ceilings. And then, of course, you’ve got to design an Excel spreadsheet, so you can pay for them. Because usually, when you hit a ceiling, there’s an investment that needs to be made for that change. And people don’t always save for that. And you need to because when you get to that feeling, you need to invest in another level, I see so many salons that just are dated, and yet you expect people to come in and get the latest and the greatest but yet they walk in and they feel like they’re 1015 years, even 20 years behind that we’re in such a business of you know, what you see. So it’s very important that you keep everything updated.

Chris Baran 1:02:21
Yeah. Well, Jill, we’re sort of coming up to the end here and I this is part that I love this part. This is it’s called what we put our rapid fire segment together and the I just want to know what I’m gonna ask you just some questions. First one two words that come to your brain when I want to ask you okay, what turns you on in the creative process?

Jill Krahn 1:02:48
What turns me on in the creative process

I guess I love research and looking at things to be kind to decide where I need to be creative. And I love education so they kind of are probably what makes the creativity commerce something different work 30 An hour and scared to try something new even if it fails, we’ll learn from it. But I would say just searching I like to research

Chris Baran 1:03:19
nice and what stifles creativity for you.

Jill Krahn 1:03:22
When I’m too busy doing the due and I can’t step back to take a look into research.

Chris Baran 1:03:31
The thing in life that you dislike the most hmm mowing the lawn I hope my husband Yes. Well, and I hope now that we’ve talked about your success, just pay somebody to do it. And what do you love the most in life?

Jill Krahn 1:03:59
I love watching other people grow. I know that sounds crazy. But I one time I’ll never forget this during a one on one session with a girl named Aisha and I asked her what her goals were and she wanted marble floors in her house. And then when she called me back when she got her marble floors, stuff like that. Yeah, I love watching when a service provider that works here has buy something new and they’re excited. I love that.

Chris Baran 1:04:26
Yeah. And what do you what do you hate most about our industry?

Jill Krahn 1:04:30
I hate how it’s disrespected. And I hate how people don’t celebrate what they make. I think people are so scared to say what they make I don’t know why and it holds everybody back from the industry. So I always say on social media say what you make say what a wonderful beautiful career this is and how you can make everybody when you feel better. You look better and you just become wiser. It’s because you have come

Chris Baran 1:04:59
Yeah, Yeah, yeah abundances Okay, and be proud of it and and advertise it the person that you admire the most.

Jill Krahn 1:05:08
Oh boy, there’s so many off the top of my head, people are gonna think it’s crazy but I have this amazing daughter. I have amazing son as well but my daughter challenges me and makes me think different because she’s 20 But like I just wrote an article for a magazine. And you know, I’m not a writer, I know that content, but I don’t know how to make it so fun and interesting. She came to the lake the other day and within 15 minutes she took my article and just read it I

Chris Baran 1:05:50
love it. person that you wish you could meet

Jill Krahn 1:05:55
Donald Trump’s I can cut his hair. And luckily, this is back in the day I forget the name of the show where people sat around the circle and we’re talking about being an entrepreneur and a way that lady came to Fargo and I handed her my video and that’s because my students challenged me because I’m always teaching them don’t get it don’t ask you don’t get so they said well, what do you want? I got love to cut his hair. I mean, I can’t stand intelligent person hairstyle like that. So

Chris Baran 1:06:27
yeah, okay, so the something about you that people don’t know

Jill Krahn 1:06:34
that I’m a farmer’s battered. I come from hillbilly USA so I can always joke about that with people. And I’m not scared to work. I know how to drive a tractor in a truck

Chris Baran 1:06:49
gonna come in handy. a month off where would you go? And what would you do?

Jill Krahn 1:06:54
A month ah. Go to Hawaii. I am a hallway person. And just rent a house with my family. That would be my goal.

Chris Baran 1:07:07
Yes, something you’re terrified of.

Jill Krahn 1:07:12
I hate spooky movies. Or thrillers you know, accidents if there’s accidents I get

Chris Baran 1:07:24
that favorite comfort food. Like Krish liquidation of it something in the industry that you haven’t done but you want to

Jill Krahn 1:07:39
i There’s so many. Well, I’m in the process of franchising my salon. So that is something that I’ve wanted to do. And I’m, you know, working with the Marriott so that delta so I guess that’s something that I’ve always wanted. Nice. And then my team after we sell the salon, they can be trainers.

Chris Baran 1:08:03
Like it. Okay, something that if you could do over in your life, what would it be?

Jill Krahn 1:08:11
To look for education faster? Like I said, I did it. Just thinking that was the only way to do it until I started meeting mentors. That changed my life and really helped me along the way.

Chris Baran 1:08:24
Yeah, tomorrow, you couldn’t do anything that had anything to do with hair? What would you do?

Jill Krahn 1:08:30
I’d go to Lake.

Chris Baran 1:08:33
Oh, there you go. And you have a damn fine place to that. I can’t wait to get back out. Last question that we have. Well, actually, first of all, before I ask you the last question, you also have, you know, you are part of the franchise with spec. So if anybody is is wants to talk to you about secession planning or if they want to send you a note about getting involved in in, in schools, how can people get a hold?

Jill Krahn 1:09:01
You can go to spec franchise.com and just click learn more. And it comes right to myself and even my associates inbox and then we schedule a call. Okay, good. They’re bad schools, I’d probably say 90% of them. They sold stock in their salon so that they had the money to do other venture.

Chris Baran 1:09:24
Nice. Okay, last question. If you had one wish for industry as a whole, and we could snap our fingers and make that change right now. What would that be

Jill Krahn 1:09:34
for people that have a respect for the industry, and when a daughter says she wants to go into hairdressing or skincare or nails that the parents got all that fantastic, thinking that they don’t make money. I oftentimes have spoke at many events about celebrate the wins. I don’t think people celebrate the wins enough in our industry. So then the average person has no clue that you can be this Six Figure salon. Yeah, Harry was wrote a book about being a six figure salon stylist and he’s amazing. So I recommend everybody read that book. It’s very good.

Chris Baran 1:10:12
Nice, Joe, I know that in your life, you’re busy as you are. And I want to thank you so much for being and taking wait time just to help other people. So by the way, if, if if anybody is interested more and wants to know more about as interested in say a class on secession planning, if you could actually just a Chris at Chris barron.com and just send me notes or whatever, if it’s intrigues you or not. And we will, I’m sure with Joe, we could put some classes together and make sure that people get the real insight on the exactly how to do it. So, but Jill, I want to thank you so much. It was a pleasure and honor can’t wait to be out to Lake House One more time. Sarah in a glass of wine with you and Tim

Jill Krahn 1:10:57
sounds good. Thank you so much, Chris. Cheers.

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