4 Pillars of Salon Culture: Building a Team that Lasts

Have you ever hired a talented stylist who turned out to be not the right fit for your salon? It happens to the best of us. But what if there was a way to build a salon culture that attracts and retains top talent, creating a team that thrives together?

The answer lies in the four key pillars of salon culture: Language, Rituals, Rules, and Beliefs. By focusing on these elements, you can foster a positive, productive environment where your team feels valued and engaged, leading to long-lasting success for your staff and for your clients.

Why Is Salon Culture Important?

In a recent poll in our Salon Team Training Facebook Group, we asked, “What is the number one factor in retaining staff?” And the top answer was Culture. More than money, more than benefits. It’s no secret that there is high turnover in the beauty industry. All evidence says that a positive, supportive salon culture is the most important factor in keeping your team happy, motivated, and committed to your salon’s vision.

How do you create a salon culture that enables your team to feel valued? It’s not always easy, and it’s not necessarily intuitive, but it is always worth it. The good news is that there is a system. Here’s how to create a successful structure that will see your staff sticking around for years to come.

The 4 Pillars of Salon Culture

  • Language
  • Rituals
  • Rules
  • Beliefs


Effective communication is key for any successful team. To make sure that everyone understands one another, your team should use language and verbiage that’s understood throughout your business. Although you’re in the same industry, people learn in different ways and have varying backgrounds, so make sure everyone is on the same page about the language that you want to speak.


Rituals are put in place to keep the team focused and staying on top of their work. They also help the team to feel like they belong, and this goes a long way in creating a positive atmosphere. Do you all meet in the morning to have a huddle and discuss objectives for the day? Are high-fives your go-to for celebrating? Come up with a few rituals that encourage focus and positive mindset, and make sure new hires are informed and included from the get-go.


Define your expectations regarding punctuality, professionalism, and other important aspects. If someone walks in the door at 9am, are they on time? Or do they need to be at their stations fully prepared by 9am? A documented code of honor, agreed to by all, will ensure accountability and maintain a positive work environment.


Does your team all share the same values? If you want a sustainable culture, it’s important to make sure they do. Perhaps it’s important to you that everyone comes from a place of abundance and are willing to share their knowledge and experience to help each other grow. Or maybe you want to treat your staff as if they’re family. Whatever your values are, make them part of your hiring process so that everyone is on the same team.

Implementing the 4 Pillars

By focusing on these four pillars of salon culture – Language, Rituals, Rules, and Beliefs – you promote a thriving environment that fosters long-lasting relationships in your team. This, in turn, leads to a happier, more productive workforce and a more successful salon overall.

It doesn’t happen overnight, but committing to the process will get you there, and the payoff is worth it. One of the best ways to change your salon’s culture is through education. A well-organized training plan shows your team that you are investing in them, and it gets everyone using the same language to the same high standards. And there is the added benefit of happy clients!

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