ep74 – Ronit Enos

I’m really excited about today’s guest. She learned how to build and lead teams as a sergeant in the Israel Defense Forces. Her seven-figure Maxime salon boasts six-figure net profits. As a business growth consultant she has worked with fast growing startups and Fortune 100 companies like Coca Cola. Through her Salon Cadence community she teaches owners how to scale their business and achieve next generation freedom. To date, Salon Cadence members have generated $3.5 million in pure profit. Her book “Profit First for Salons” is a bestseller. Let’s welcome Ronit Enos!

  • Ronit shares her story of success from new immigrant to 7-figure salon owner and global entrepreneur
  • Ronit believed that money was bad, and that she was not smart enough to run a business, but she got to work, and eventually had the knowledge and confidence to write the bestselling “Profit First for Salons”
  • You have to get over your self-limiting beliefs and indecision, and have faith in your future self. Stop waiting for things to happen.
  • Reach out to Ronit by email: Hello@RonitEnos.com) or Instagram: @saloncadence

Complete Transcript

Chris Baran 0:00
How great would it be to get up close and personal with the beauty industry heroes we love and admire and to ask them how did you learn to do what you do? I’m Chris Baran, a hairstylist and educator for 40 plus years and I’m inviting all our heroes to chat and share the secrets of their success

Well, welcome to another week’s Headcases and I’m really excited about today’s guests because not only is she a friend, but to give her a little bit of her current credentials. She was a sergeant in the Israeli IDF where she learned how to build and lead a team. She launched her maximum brand into a seven figure salon with catch this six figure net profit man let that sink in for just a minute. And that propelled her into the top 1% of salons in the country. Her private client list spans from fast growing startup salons to Fortune 100 companies like Coca Cola and through her Salon Cadence community. She teaches business owners how to scale their business and achieve next generation freedom. To date, Salon Cadence members have generated pause for effect $3.5 million in net profit, her profit per purpose strategies garnered her features and salon today. A beta means business authority magazine and her book. Profit First for Salons was Amazon number one best seller. So let’s get into this week’s headcase Ronit Enos. Ronit, it is an absolute pleasure, and welcome to HeadCases I can. I was so excited when we finally got to book for this.

Ronit Enos 1:57
I’m so happy to be here, Chris. I know, it’s been a little while we’re trying to make this happen. And here we are. I’m super stoked.

Chris Baran 2:06
No, I’m sorry, I just jumped on you there. Now

Ronit Enos 2:09
it’s fine. The

Chris Baran 2:14
you know, because I think the last time we were together, we were in Clearwater together do you know I came out to do a little thing with you at your salon cadence Academy. And that was just so much fun. And I have to tell you, I’ve become just a huge fan ever since being a part of your community that was awesome. Awesome to be that are out there with the peeps.

Ronit Enos 2:32
Thank you. There’s nothing like having a physical event. You know. And it was great to share the audience with you. They appreciate the giving. They appreciate the value that that we’re there for. You know, it’s so amazing how people are so appreciative when they need to help. You know, I love that. And it was great to have you there.

Chris Baran 2:58
Yeah. And you know, it was just nice to be there. Because you had a great selection of an audience. The people you had there were great. And but more importantly, the speakers that you have you included, were really spot on on their information. And I have to say, since then, Jay Williams, your good friend and mine have been become good buddies. So it was a pleasure to be there and be a part of it.

Ronit Enos 3:27
Yes, Jay is great. That rhymes doesn’t it Jay is great.

Chris Baran 3:33
So I want to let I want to talk about people always want to know about you know, how, what was our industry? How did we get involved in the industry now? I know that you are a special forces sergeant and also a flight attendant. So I think most people would go with that combination. How the heck did you get into the hairdressing industry? So what’s your hair story? How did that all translate?

Ronit Enos 3:57
Well, the hair story actually started much before that when I was a teenager, I come from a very high academic family. And for some reason that never spoke to me as much, although I did have a dream. And I always envision myself with high stilettos hills, big power suit, you know, black briefcase and I always thought I’ll be an amazing lawyer, right? Because I you know, my grandfather was a lawyer so my family has been in the in that end goal for generations. And so I thought that would be where I’m gonna go ahead until my friend decided that she is actually going to go to school to learn how to make shoes. So she went to private school, believe it or not, and then fashioned touched me, just absolutely touched me. And so that was the beginning. Now I was I’m really intrigued by and you know, in the beginning or late 70s, very intrigued by all many kinds of vivid color on hair. And as you know, vivid is rules right now. And so one day I came to my mom as a teenager with a purple strich. And she looks at me and she says, Wow, that looks amazing. And I’m like, Okay, I didn’t piss her off. The next day, I come with a pink hair. And she looks at me and she says, Ronit that’s even better than yesterday. So you know what’s already in that? Salon background. And when you know, when you go to the salon, and you sit at a salon, and you see, people come and people going, and it’s just such a magical place. And I just knew one of these days, I’m going to have a salon just like that. So the deal was, you finish high school, and then you can do whatever you want to do. And so I did that. And when I finished high school, while I was actually in school, I asked my salon owner, can I work here for free. And I was very, very lucky. Not only that, he gave me an opportunity even sent me to L’Oreal school in Paris, I learned how to do balayage for a couple of weeks. And I enjoyed myself through, you know, teenage life. So instead of drinking, that’s what I was doing. I was drinking the Kool Aid of balayage. And so that’s how I kind of knew that this is kind of be my, my future. When graduating from school, you know, I went to, I went to the IDF, and join the the Israeli army and graduating from that. My mom, you know, gave me the opportunity to be interviewed by a lot of airlines. And I thought that was a get way to visit the world. And I did so for two years. I was a flight attendant met my husband. And after six months, we got married. It’s a long story. So I’m giving you the short version. And then one finally, when we got married, I said to myself, what now Ronit what now and I was 22 years old when I got married. And I definitely I knew that I needed to do something with fashion. And so I registered to school in New Haven, Connecticut for interior design, because I thought that’s going to be my next and had my first baby at 24 second baby 25. And that’s when I said to myself, You know what, I still did not go through a complete career in hairdressing. And so that’s how I decided to get back into hairdressing. And never looked back.

Chris Baran 8:14
That’s awesome. I’d love there was a couple of parts in there that I just love is that and I want to ask quick question on there. Because you I always love when the parents are supportive of what you do. So thank God your parents were there. I just wanted to when you came home with that red with a the blue stripe and then the pink hair. What did your dad say?

Ronit Enos 8:38
Well, my family, my mom was divorced, they got divorced when I was 16 years old. So my father didn’t say much because he wasn’t there. But my mom instead of of taking me down and telling me her need, this is not good. Or you’re not looking, you know, putting me down for what I had or just being in shock. She pretended that she did like it and she knew that if she’s going to say to me run it I love the colors. Probably I’m going to continue doing that and feel really good about it. So my mom is is my mentor my biggest mentor how to build your confidence you know so yeah, she’s awesome till today

Chris Baran 9:26
Thank God for parents like that because I we share that in common because I was I was raised by my mom too and and you know that was a blessed all the the single parents out there and single mothers out there raising kids out there and I always to me always think that’s really important when you encourage your kids to do what they want. I wanted like So okay, so I got you it was all about fashion. You were hooked on hair. So what how did you I want to kind of get that bridge of how how we got from fashion. And now you’re going to get back into hair. And I want to I want to find out how did that Where did you go to get the experience with hair? And then how did what was your first venture? And how did that work into your entrepreneurship

Ronit Enos 10:22
coming from a family that survived the Holocaust, and in going through, you know, craziness after the Holocaust, my family was very entrepreneurialship. And one side was totally entrepreneurialship. Like I said, my, my grandfather, my grandma grandmother were at law. In my father’s side, they came from they were in fashion, they were selling leather goods and, and that was in Belgium. But my father was obviously in the academics side. And so what, what intrigued me in how I started is, as I said, because I really enjoyed fashion. And I was really hooked on on hairdressing and what was going on the salon. But what I was doing is I was watching, I was watching the community that has been building in a salon, it’s a different world, it’s like, you know what, I always thought that the salon is like, a coffee shop in Paris. And that’s what I envision for my own salon. One of these days, I’m going to own a business. And it’s going to have a vibe. And the vibe is going to have just like as if you’re in, I don’t know, you’re in the left bank, sitting in a coffee shop. Whether you’re in Tel Aviv on the water, or you’re sitting in Paris, and you have a good cup of coffee, and there’s people coming and you’re talking and it’s loud, and the music is going and all that noise and it was just so beautiful. It was like a community. Oh, and by the way, look at the hair that’s coming out. And so to me, that was a vision that I had since I was a child. I didn’t know at that time that it was going to be a salon. But my mentor the hair, the hair salon owner, has taught me how to do barley ash and trusted in me to do it in a young age through high school. That was my hobby, Chris. So yeah. So so much fun. So much fun.

Chris Baran 12:49
Yeah, that’s, that’s amazing. And I know that right now. I know when I was just out of school, I mean, all I was interested in was partying. So I take my hat off my jump into entrepreneurship was much later down the pike when but it was I take my hat off to people, you know that you found it right away, this is what I want to do. And this is where I want to go. So okay, so you’re you’re, you’re in school, or you just have to school, your barley, barley Zhing the blazes out of the hair, and making money making little monies, as we say in Ukrainian some hot rush. So how did you get I know your salon and Maxine. I want to I want to get from How did you get from there to the salon? And where your salon when you built that brand?

Speaker 1 13:43
Right. Well fast forward a few years, right. So I think I skipped the part that I had while while you were partying. And I was to one of my boyfriend at that time was a great surfer and his dream was to surf in Hawaii. So we went to Hawaii. We lived there for six months. And on the way back from Hawaii. I met my husband, I met Bill and so here is I’m gonna fast forward really good boyfriend. I’m still with a boyfriend. Yes, there was a duel for a little bit. You know, I don’t recommend to do that. For all of you listeners. It’s stressful. But yeah, but I didn’t. Yeah, do not do that at home. But I did meet my future husband. I knew already that I was in love with this guy. But yet they still went back home. We separated my boyfriend and I became a flight attendant and now this is like a romantic story. I met Bill. Every flight that I have to New York so once a month. I would fly to New York for five days, Bill would meet me in New York, and we would have the best time. And six months later, he proposed. And so we, you know, I said to my mom, I said, Mom, I’m gonna go visit my, my new boyfriend, and I’ll be back soon. And I never did. So six months later, we got married, like I said, you know, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do now. After having my second child. My friend, we were at that time living in Boston, and my friend said, Ronit, there’s amazing salon, in on Newbury Street, which is, you know, a big a big strip of salons and boutique shops, like Fifth Avenue, but Boston like, and you have to meet is an Israeli hairdresser. And I think you might enjoy working there. So I went there. And I asked Penny, how about if I worked here for a little bit and learn and get back into hair again, because it’s been a while. And he he taught me and another friend over there that I met Maria, she taught me everything about color cutting the American way, because there’s a big difference. Okay, yeah. Every culture has a different perspective on on cuts and colors and whatnot. And I just was, you know, how you were like, go into a trance, like, suddenly you like, and you’d be transformed. And suddenly, you see things again, in pink again, I was in the hair world again. And so I knew that I needed to do something big, began grandiose. And I decided to go to school again. And take Vidal, Sassoon Academy and Santa Monica. So I did that, and went back to peony. And for two years now, I was assisting, learning, teaching the old way. And I was, you know, enjoying myself. So that’s how I got back into hairdressing, learning. Everything, Chris, everything I do. I just go all in. And I play all out on everything that I do. And so it was something I was so passionate about and so hungry. And I needed to learn how to do it the Americans way, how do I speak the American language? How do I serve in that perspective? And that’s what I did. So for two years, I literally took it back on with two little children. And then I decided that maybe it’s time to leave Newberg straight, come back to the suburbs where we were living, and maybe it’s time for you to go on my own, and to open my own place. The truth is, Chris, that as an immigrant, being there only five years, only 20, you know, I was in my 20s to little children starting all over again, learning the language, learning everything. I was really not dedicating myself to social life because that was my life. It was my kids, my husband, and this new career that I had and, and I wanted to really master it. And so I was really lonely. I didn’t have my mummy. I didn’t have my sister, my brother, my friends, my dog in Israel. And so I was longing for that dream that I had years ago, about that cafe place, that restaurant, that that voice, that the noise, the dancing the music. And so I decided, You know what, maybe it’s time to open my own little place where I can build a community where I can build some friends. And so that’s how Maxime was born. Maxime is magnificent in Hebrew. And it’s one of the best restaurants in the world, which inspired me i Their decoration in Paris. And so I hired an interior designer to decorate and to design that salon to look like the restaurant in Paris Maxime and I opened Maxime guests when a week after September, September 11.

Chris Baran 20:04
Yeah, that was pretty wild. That’s pretty wild. So yeah, hold it. And so how did the I want to when I, when I heard this, that you turn that business and that brand into I mean, there’s one thing you can always say, here’s what the numbers were and here’s what we earned. But that’s different than what you take home. But you had six figure profits was out of there. So before we get into the numbers, part of that, what was it that gave you the training in order to take that business acumen and what your skill as a hairdresser, but then to turn that around into really becoming super profitable? What what happened there? How did that Where did that come from?

Speaker 1 21:02
It’s such a great question. Because we all come from this background, a lot of us come from this background of really not knowing business. We’re very creative, and we love as you know. But business is super important. It goes hand in hand. It’s just as important as being creative. And remember, I had that dream that one day, I’m going to have stilettos and a briefcase, I have many dreams and, and I always wanted to be powerfully leave a powerful life and be successful. And no matter what I did, for the first few years in my business, I hired coaches and trainers and listen to radio, and bought every book I can. And every mentor and coach that I had, has helped me so much to move forward. And I wanted to go to college. But I never thought I was smart enough or good enough to go to college. And not to mention English was not my first language. I’m 35% dyslexic to begin with. And growing in my parents home who were fighting constantly, for 18 years of their marriage about money has taught me a that money is a very bad thing. I never thought that money was a good thing. And one other things that remember I said something about my father was not with us at that time. I will tell you that. Growing up my father was really really strict. And that’s maybe why I’m strict. But he was very strict. And he was you know, survived, survived the Holocaust. And he was very stingy. very frugal, okay. And for him, education was everything. And you were not suppose to. To speak about money. Money wasn’t something to be proud of at that time. So every time I would come back from school, he would tell me you go to your room now and go study and until you know your multiplication don’t come down. So for years, I was locked in my room thinking that I’m not so smart. Because I couldn’t get those numbers figure out so taking this story into my adult life. Money is not a good thing because they were fighting all the time. And I’m not smart. I probably will never make it in college ever. And so guess what God has gave me the love to hair and two people. And maybe it’s time for me to just do hair. Do what I do best make money because we all know how to make money in this industry. But I never looked at the numbers because I was afraid of it because I wasn’t smart and I wasn’t good. And so I just couldn’t understand I was doing everything mentors are telling me to do but I still did not make the money that I deserve. Missing the time with my children missing the fun of the things that I need to do. Not seeing the hot my husband away I want to I was working from eight o’clock in the morning until 11 o’clock at night for few years and not been able to take The paycheck that you’re supposed to take, sometimes not even taking a paycheck, barely making payroll being scared about this, I was super scared. And at one point, they said, You know what? Screw this. I’m gonna learn, because it didn’t stop some presidents that have all these problems to become a president. I’m going to have to learn how to do it. And so Mike Michalowicz did not have Profit First, yet, but he have the different book the first book that he have toilet paper entrepreneurs

Chris Baran 25:40
called? Yeah, yeah. And then I think was pumpkin patch. Yeah.

Ronit Enos 25:46
And in right there, there was the fundamentals that spoke to me. So simply. And I said to myself, Wow, that makes sense. That makes sense. And at this point, and there were a couple of other things that I’ve learned, what I did is I kind of look to see what other successful business owners are doing that are not in our industry that because really, I did everything I could do. But what did they do in and I’m not doing in what I learned or what they were doing, I implemented into the business. And the company grew, we went from four years in one location to another location. And Maxime became even more magnificent, you know, because I was finally able to buy my time back, but more than anything, provide, provide a team with now it wasn’t easy. I screwed up so many times. You know, I will never forget how I was doing payroll because I was a TSA. Do you remember when, when we had the show in Las Vegas? And I went to Las Vegas to learn because I was a sucker for learning still am. I remember when I was in bed, and I’m thinking shit, I forgot to do payroll. Again, how could I forget to do payroll? Yeah. And so here I am taking my computer going inside the tub, locking the door and doing payroll. But you know, it made me feel good, because I knew how to do the numbers. So it does you do you you go through this ups and downs, and you’ll learn from your mistakes. That’s the only way to go through. I heard today at my yoga session. Something incredible. He said, what’s in front of you can only become behind you. So you got to go through it. And that really is how life is self. Yeah.

Chris Baran 28:07
I love the couple things in there that you will lose everything you said was wonderful. But the words the word that you said that stuck out to me that I love so much is deserved. And I I think in our industry, there’s sometimes this thing that if people would just say, look, I deserve more, I deserve to get paid more, have a better life, and be with my family and so on. And I think that’s where I love where you’re going with this and where I want to kind of jump into this profit first and how you got involved with it. I know we’re big fans of it as well, is how, if you’re aware of your numbers, and I know that we’ve got we’ve got young kids that are out there probably listening to this as well. But I want I want them to think, you know, the creativity is what you do. That’s what gets you by the numbers that are there is what helps you provide, whether it’s wealthy or getting by, so you can provide for you and your family and have something left at the end of the game when you want to when you want to, you know say I don’t want to do this anymore, and you can still look after yourself. Because that doesn’t happen enough in our industry. I think there’s so many people that just say I want to quit, but now they don’t have money. And that’s where I want to kind of go next with you is that if you can give us just for those people that are out there right now that are deserving. And they want to make more and get more. And like you and I have screwed up a hundreds of times. And that’s going to happen even when we do what we’re going about to talk about. But can you just give us and treat me as if I didn’t know anything about profit first. And if you had to give me a 35,000 foot level view of what a Mmm, profit first really is.

Ronit Enos 30:05
Profit First is very simple. It’s a cash flow system. That’s all it is. It’s a cash flow system. It’s cash flow for Dummies like me. Remember that time? I don’t know about you, but every time I was listening to some sort of financial person who was going to advise me about how to invest and multiply my earnings, every time I would interview a financial advisor, I’m like, What are they talking about? They will they lost me after two minutes? You know, so complicated. Can you just make it simple? You know, I’m thinking about it. I’m six years old, can you explain to me, what is it? And so I never invested because I couldn’t understand. So there was no trust there to invest that person. I always say to all my clients, everybody I work with, and I’ve been working with small businesses for a long time. And I will say, if you do not understand what your accountant telling you, what your bookkeeper telling you, what your financial advisor tell you, leave them find somebody who is kind, who is, is can excel explain to you and what I’ve learned is your accountant don’t know what they’re doing. It’s just like, you know, hairdressers, there are great hairdressers out there. And there are shitty hairdressers out there. Right. And so find the ones that are willing to spend the time with you. And explain to you in a simple language of what things are. So I could never understand that. So therefore I shied away from it. Profit First is so simple. It’s a cash flow it organize your money to departments. So you know what the old times? How much money do you have for payroll? How much money do you have for my favorite thing? You already Chris? Shoes, because I love shoes? How much money do you have for travel? Because I love to travel? How much money do you have for health and wellness care? Because I love that too? How much money do you have to reinvest in your company? It’s almost like a picture, that it’s super clear that you know where your money is going. And how much you have money. It’s not about what you should spend your money on. That’s your decision, your decision. So, the cash flow is allowing you to control it you become the controller, you become with profit first. You make decision not your accountant. As a matter of fact, you can teach your accountant right, you make the decision where you spend your money. Now you no longer guessing Do I have the money will I have another things with a profit it helps you project of what you will need or how much you will make on how what to pay Uncle Sam. And it allows you to incrementally build wealth incrementally builds wealth. That is what Profit First is it’s simple, it’s organizing method. Now think about it as a funnel, a big funnel, you’re making money you’re doing all those things, the money comes into the funnel. But if it’s has a one long thing that goes like let’s say a bottle and the money goes into the bottle, and now you’re looking in the bottle, it’s so concentrated you don’t know what’s in it but the Profit First will go into the neck of the funnel and now look at the funnel has five bottles and by default of what you sending up those, each bottle to collect the money funnels into those bottles. So you know, at all time what’s in there and then it multiplies because you become your own bank. It’s almost like you become your own 401k So you take those bottles and now you learn how to multiply them. So I hope that that was picture is thick enough to the audience to you guys. I hope so.

Chris Baran 34:50
i i I love that analogy and, and I there’s two things I want to hit on here. Number one is I love what you said about it. If anybody, I don’t care if you’re an employee working in a salon for somebody else, whether you’re a business owner, if, if your accountant, here’s the best way the analogy that I can think of, and I had the great opportunity working for working for Redken that I had access to the scientists, and there was a scientist there by the name of Dr. David canal. And he could take, and when it would come to sciences, tools, and all of that was like, if you if you gave me the science side, I would add does not compute does not compute does not compute, but he could take the next scientific topic, and put it in layman’s terms that anybody can understand. And that’s what our accountants need to be able to do. And what I loved about why Mike Michalowicz, the person that we love so dearly that, I mean, for us, it took our and turned us from a mom and pop organization into a true business. And I believe this analogy that was like yours, it was like, grandma, like grandma, when she would get the money that would come in all the income from the house, and she had different coffee cans. And she would say this will go for rent, and this is go for food. And this is going so on. And if enough people know that, and this is one thing that I think is so critical, regardless of where you are in our industry involved on working for somebody or an entrepreneur, we always have to remember that the money that we take him for taxes are the money that we’ve got to pay back to the government for their taxes, as much as we hate it is not our money. And if we get caught at the end of the year without having that bottle with that tax money aside, it’s where That’s where our stress come from, and our problems come from. And if we just understand that you have income, and you’re going to break it into, you know, like for business owners, owners comp, your profit, and your tax, etc. At op x where they are your operating expenses. And then as if you have all of that set aside, it’s all set aside for you. You know, and I think that’s so critical in what we do, and why it’s so important. So to you, could you could you speak a little bit to this, like, I love this word. But to the business owners, but how, like, If I only knew this when I was working at a chair, like when I was when I’m trying to provide for my family and and I’ve only got extra money coming in. But how can I still save for myself? How, how would you put that to to that young kid that’s listening, and and wants to know how this applies to me.

Speaker 1 37:54
I love that, Chris, because it’s critical that you learn that from the beginning, before you become an owner. Well, we did. And I love that you speak Profit First language is very sexy, Chris. So one of the things, one of the things that we did is that we took the system that helps owners, business owners doesn’t matter whether you own a suite, or you own a $4 million company doesn’t matter. The bigger the company it is, the more it’s needed in small departments. Okay. And by the way, anybody who doesn’t pay the taxes watch it, because jail is next. So you don’t want to be in that predicament. So what I would, I would say is what we did, we took that second time because the first time you know, Mike has asked me to write it for the beauty industry. So we wrote Profit First for Salon Spa, the whole beauty industry globally. And we wrote it for the entrepreneurs, right, the solopreneurs or the companies, the big companies. But well we did I adjusted it specifically for our beauty industry after two years of beta. So after doing that, we took that two years ago and we created Profit First was alone for stylists. Because guess what? It starts right there. And yes, this is profits first for home. We did two years ago we did a workshop my one of our clients asked if we can provide that for their own staff. And so we went on field trip and we did that And you know what? They it wasn’t exactly as I was transforming back when I was 22. I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough. I’m not good with money. But when I explained it in the way that I wish somebody explained that to me, then it was super empowering. And right now, we are scheduled to go and do a few of those field trip and salons helping staff create wealth, from the wealth they’re actually making. And so we turned it into a home language. And it’s just, you know, amazing

Chris Baran 40:46
what you said, there’s so I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go ahead. I jumped on you.

Ronit Enos 40:52
You know, you didn’t jump on me. We’re conversing.

Chris Baran 40:58
Yes. You know what I love that you said and it just brings me right back to think was just at the belief it was at the end of last year, I was down south doing a program in a salon now catch this 1700 square feet. And all super talented people. And the salon, no catch this 1700 salons did $3.1 million in there in that space. Now, yeah, whether that’s impressive or not, I don’t think that’s the main point I want to bring out. But what I loved and this is, I think what you’re getting at and what I love that you do, and what I think the responsibilities that we have as owners of businesses, is that we help the people that work for us get what they need out of life. And what she does, is whether all of the people that work for her after, by the time that they’ve worked for, for I think it was a year and a half or two years, they all own their own homes, they own their own cars, they have a bank account, they save money, and she helps them to, to get the things that they need to that they wouldn’t normally get because she provides financial knowledge for them as well. And I think amazing love about what you’re doing. And, and if I had, if I heard correctly, that you did Profit First for salons, and you’re doing Profit First for stylists, and you’re doing Profit First for the home. To me, that’s what helps people earn. Because you know, I don’t I can, I’m only going to compare everybody else that’s out there with the delusional self that I had, when I was 20 years old, and you know, life was passing me by and I’m gonna live forever. And man, if I got money, I’m gonna spend it because man that just might not. I don’t want to burn in a hole in my pocket. So it’s gone. And I never, I never saved, and I never saved for Lord knows how many years. And until one day, I learned that if you’re not saving now, and you’re not putting stuff away now that it’s going to be hell when it comes time for you to want to just ease out into the world. So thank you for what you do. And I just think that’s so important that, that as owners, we help the stylists not only just to how they make money, and yes and pay them for what they do, because that’s what they earn. But how do we make them better? How do we make our industry grow? How do we make those kids that are just starting out? That, you know, they’re there in their hairdressers? First of all, going to a fancy dress ball with lawyers and doctors around say, what do you do for your living? And what do you do for a living, they say hairdresser, and they kind of look down their nose at them. And then they tell them, Look, I own my own home, I own my own car. I make X amount of dollars a year. And I Jimmy I think that that that’s what’s going to help our industry be seen as something that that everybody should get involved with, that if you’ve got a kid out there that, that that se doesn’t want to go to college like a university like you and I mean, I can speak only for myself there. But you can still make an incredible living and still have a wonderful life and be able to provide for your family.

Ronit Enos 44:23
In more and more you have so one of the things that we teach is how to pre plan for your vacation. This is really important. You know, when we go on vacation, what happens is we sell hours, right? We sell time. And so if we’re not going to be at the chair because we’re going to be two weeks on vacation. That’s two weeks of what we’re not making money. So if you’re going to be an independent contractor, it affects you even more so because you are the only one One person at a chair. If you are a salon owner, and you have several, you know, like, like, who you spoke of your friend, who you were at her salon, and she was making great amount of money and supporting her staff, you know, I just love to meet her and give her a big hug, Chris, because she’s taking she’s really impacting their life forever. So yes, but when she goes on vacation, she probably that great that she created a fund that when she goes, the company does not lose any sales. For stylist when they’re not working, they’re not making money either. So they will think 20 million times before they’re gonna book themselves something in addition to it, right, in addition to it, you’re gonna work your bum off, for seven days straight before you’re gonna get to the beach. And then you’ll be thinking about your salon, or you’ll be thinking about, Gosh, I hope nothing is gonna go wrong. So when I come back, the production is still there. And when you come in back, now you’re gonna work another seven days just don’t make up for the loss of money. But with the Profit First, you don’t have to do that. The Profit First was salon, you can plan vacation for yourself and for your staff, and you’re not losing a penny when you’re gone. And so, you know, those are the things that there’s simple that what makes you happy? And what makes your staff happy.

Chris Baran 46:37
This episode is sponsored by the salon associate accelerator from trainers, playbook.com. Are you struggling with the time and cost of associate training? Do you feel like your salon is running you will get your associates on the floor, all with 90% Less time from you. So you can get back to building your business. Get them world class design, finishing color, and client care skills they’ll use every day for the rest of their career. While you focus on realizing your vision, go to trainers playbook.com and get the salon associate accelerator. And now back to the show. It’s really about knowledge though, as men, it’s really is just if people don’t know that I heard this, I heard this great saying the other day and it said, and I may I may butcher it, but bear with me. If you think you know, and you don’t do, you don’t know. And I think that’s exactly what happens when it comes to um, you know, I’ll just again, I’m gonna put myself in those people that are that are listening and watching right now. Everything would for me was based on creativity, it was about having fun, I just want to cut some cool damn hair and, and you know, have fun with my clients. And you know, and have a nice evening with friends and family, etc. But if you don’t, if you don’t know how to take care of yourself and your family financially, and you don’t do or take the advice or the what are the things you you went out and you you sought education. But if you don’t do it, if you just listen to it, it was all worth worth less, you actually wasted your time and energy. But if like you did, you got mentors, you got business coaches, and then and then you applied it. And once you apply it and you’re doing it, that’s when you that’s when you know, that’s when you get as well. And I you know, to me, I think you probably people listening and watching here the the emphasis in our voices. And for those of you listening watching right now, if you’re not doing it start, please It’s never too late because you can have a degree of wealth that you can build up and it comes from the very premise of what we’re talking about here.

Ronit Enos 49:06
Yeah, I love that. You’re saying that Chris. So I’m curious if you could do it over again. I mean, with your track records and your accomplishment and, and everything that you went through, you know, the good, the bad, the ugly. What would you do differently if you could do it? If you spoke to your honor know your 25 year old self again, what would you tell that person

Chris Baran 49:40
you know, I’m going to preface it with a story. Okay, when I love that and everything before when I first started off in, in Canada, and it was in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and we had a whole group of friendly salons where we had healthy competition. With but we all knew one another we all party together. And and there was a young kid and young kid and you may it may or may not have heard of them is Ken Fisher was he had a swan I had a small and, and everything that we that I did was it was all based on creativity and competition and what can we do for photographs and everything is such and then, but can he did the same thing he worked for a manufacturer, he did all of that. But he started this massive retail chain when when it was kind of poo pooed on the idea almost, if you think of Alta to kind of started something like this, but this was back in the 70s and the idea got poo pooed but he did that. And then he started and then he started a group of salons called chatters, they were all throughout Canada. And I’m gonna get the number wrong. I’m just making up a number. So if you’re with a chatters group, you know, I love you guys. But I’m gonna say that there was hundreds of salons and it was probably more than that. And, and obviously now he and I are both older and he’s he sold chatters and he made himself I’ll just say more than $10 and, but we’re still good friends. And he had his 50th anniversary in the business and they asked me to do a little video for them. And I stole a long line from and then the name is not coming to me right now. But it was Paula Kent me hands best friend. And Lee, if you can remember the name if you type it in, type it in. But anyway, she her best friend was also an actress at the time. And and when she spoke at Paula’s sort of retirement, Debbie Reynolds, thank you, Debbie Reynolds got on stage and said and while she was introducing Paula said, so here’s a lady that while I was going on to become famous Paula Kent Mehan was moving on to become rich, and wealthy. And that’s what, that’s what I call that line. And I said because Ken went out, he saw the value of providing things for people. And he he ended up not with one salon. It wasn’t one salon where you charge this magnificent amount of money. And you have one place that does this. He went on to places that did that was it provided sort of middle of the road, you know, to high end and but massive amounts of retail. And had many, many, many, many stores, educated the hell out of them, and became to become rich. And I stole that line from him when I introduced him. But now to take, take it back to what you said if I had to do it all over again. I would have I would have sought out more business than what I had and been. I’ll always be interested in being creative. But I would have been more conscious about bottom line and what can I do for future and what can I do to to escalate and an N divest all of the money that we made invested in somewhere else, et cetera, and make all of those things pay in a way. Another story that I had a good friend that had a first choice hair cutters down in in Florida. He had 21 salons down in Florida. And he and I asked him about it because he had I mean he drove Porsches and he had motorcycles and he had a Harley Davidson distributorship. And I said, I asked him what it was like, because me I’ve got this, you know, for those of you listening right now, I’m doing this meat two circles around my head. And it was it was I was, you know, just my ego. It’s all about me. And I had one salon doing really well. And he said, you know, he says, Look at, I do. All of the salons that I do, I’ll probably make about how to make about $1,000 a week that comes home to me at each one. But that’s 21 Plus, I own the businesses plus, and plus, I own the buildings that they’re in and they pay me rent. And I think that business sense that we sometimes get maybe further down the pike or too late down the pike. If I had to do differently, that’s what I would have. I would have went out and maybe got more business sense on how to take that little bit of money that I had at the beginning. And how to grow that into lots more.

Ronit Enos 54:49
Yeah, multiply it exactly. I love that. That’s, that’s incredible. You know, because we often what think about what would you do different Probably, what would you do differently? And, you know, every time somebody asked me, What would you recommend a youngster, somebody who’s starting or owning a salon, and I would say, You know what, I would say, it doesn’t matter whether you start, or you’re in 10 years into it, as a matter of fact, most of our clients when they come in, and to us, they’re like, they’ve been stuck and struggling for 10 years. And so you don’t have to wait for 10 years to struggle. And as a lot of people are, you know, always recommend, make sure that you two things I always hear is, make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people that can teach you that people that people that can impact you. Be always be a student and learn. And of course, afterwards, implement on just learn. So I always liked that advice. So I always like want to put it back out there. But there’s one thing that I never hear that I think is really important for anyone, no matter what age you are, because you can make things happen. Whether you’re 5060 and 78, it’s never too late, like you said, I think that the most important thing is making decisions. Because your Indecision is going to hold you back. And so we do get those doubts, moments. And doubts comes from fear. And limiting belief is know that you you you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, you don’t know the numbers, blah, blah, blah. But the thing is, if you have faith and I think it’s this is like the book of Matthew gospel, if you have faith, you are everything you pray for you are the one and what you what you know, you are what you set yourself to be. So the more you said to yourself, I am an envision yourself in the future of what you’re going to be. You want to be believe it now, even if you don’t believe it, right? Fake it until you get there. Because if you’re you’re not making a decision about something that you want, then you stalling you’re waiting, you’re waiting for things to happen. So if there’s one thing that that I could pass forward on that one, Chris, is that you just have to get through it. And just believe that you can do anything. You know, it’s it’s done. Yeah, and you can, it’s amazing what you can do. You know, the sky has no limit, I don’t know who came up with like the sky is the limit. There is no, there is no sky, so there is no limit.

Chris Baran 58:26
I love what you said about indecision, and you talked about doubt. And I’m sure that I don’t know if I’m the only one that does this. But I, I always every time I had an educational event, I always collect all those notes, and I take my writing etc. And unfortunately, I’m like too many other people. And I have this big stack of notes that I never, never narrow down and put back into one area. And I’ve been compiling that lately. And I found just this other day, and it kept this from 2005 that I’ve been holding on to this. And it was it’s funny how universe gives you what you want, because I was comparing those notes today. And it was from one of my teachers Blair singer, and he and he was talking about and he called it the sump pump theory. And he was talking about, if you imagine now in your house, and you’ve ever had water problems where you know, the water drains in, you have a sump pump to take it out of your house. And he talked about how if you imagine your sump pump and you so it’s like it’s this big vessel that holds the water that’s wastewater that’s going in. And if you imagine that wastewater that’s coming in, that’s all the doubt that’s in your brain. And you’re spending all this time and this energy putting it into that to try to get rid of things that are doubt and doubt creates fear. And that’s all learned. Nobody has that as a child. It’s all learned things and generally somebody who wants to rob you of your energy, they want to rob you of your position. They want to rob you of something else that you have that they don’t have. And it all is learned responses they do that take away your energy. Put doubt in your mind. And if you listen to them, they win And so if you can, you know, that energy that we pour everything into to try to, to, you know, the thing that keeps us from stepping on a stage or doing a client’s hair or making money or doing whatever it is because somebody told us we’re not good at it. That’s their feeling and it’s not true. So I loved what you said. Because you said it’s about indecision and you just got to make a damn decision and go by it and you’ll get what you need. And I say that so you are I’ve often talked about you know, there’s a profit which is what you talk about profit PR o fit but what’s been lovely having you on here is there the side that you have which is the profit PR o PHE. T which helps people know what the future is so I want to thank you for that and we’re jumping into now in this to wrap things up here into our rapid fire segment so I’m just gonna throw stuff at you what’s the first thing that comes to your mind in this okay I’m ready what turns you on in the creative the reading I’m what turns you on in the creative process

Ronit Enos 1:01:10
I get turned on when people have a ha eyes

Chris Baran 1:01:14
love it and what what turn what stifles your creativity

Ronit Enos 1:01:20
um when somebody tells me no

Chris Baran 1:01:30
the thing in life that you dislike the most

Ronit Enos 1:01:32
What do I dislike the most in life? Waste of time.

Chris Baran 1:01:39
And what do you love the most time

Ronit Enos 1:01:43
time with my children time with Chris time with my friends time at the beach time to travel time

Chris Baran 1:01:52
most difficult time in your life

Ronit Enos 1:01:59
when when my mother had to make a choice to get the force and get her freedom or to split the children most difficult most impactful moment in my life. Wow. Wow went through it.

Chris Baran 1:02:28
Yeah, my breathe, breathe. What do you dislike the most about our industry?

Ronit Enos 1:02:35
The community, the people you that’s what I liked the most.

Chris Baran 1:02:43
So what you liked the most awesome so what you liked the most as the community and I agree on a percent about how we need to support one another. And what do you dislike the most about our industry

Ronit Enos 1:02:59
that people are not making enough money and they can they don’t know how to multiply their wealth. And they should get they have more freedom of time living

Chris Baran 1:03:12
person that you admire the most.

Ronit Enos 1:03:16
My husband

Chris Baran 1:03:22
proudest moment of your life,

Ronit Enos 1:03:23
my children when they were born, my children

Chris Baran 1:03:30
person that you wish you could meet.

Ronit Enos 1:03:37
And I’m going to meet Oprah. Oh

Chris Baran 1:03:39
wow. I love the fact that you didn’t say I love the fact that you didn’t say no. You know what? It’s not that I wish I could meet No, this is the person I’m going to meet. I love that. I love this one. Something that people don’t know about you.

Ronit Enos 1:04:00
Man, something that people don’t know about me. My biggest fear is to be alone.

Chris Baran 1:04:12
a month off. Somebody gave you just a month off? Where would you go? What would you do?

Ronit Enos 1:04:22
Well, I love Africa. No, I would go back to Africa. And I would be with the animals. That’s what I would do.

Chris Baran 1:04:36
I’ve been in I love and favorite in the world.

Ronit Enos 1:04:40
Right? It’s the freedom it’s amazing how beautiful it is. I would be there and I would like to take with me. Everyone in my members in salon cadence everyone that wants to come. I would I would do that I will create Ain’t that biggest event. And we’re going to go for one month, and we’re going to work with the children that needs to be worked off. We’re going to build an entrepreneurial community over there. That’s what I want.

Chris Baran 1:05:13
Favorite curse word.

Ronit Enos 1:05:15
I love the word fuck. It’s the best word in the world.

Chris Baran 1:05:23
It’s all of them. favorite comfort food.

Ronit Enos 1:05:28
Pizza with mashed potato on the top of it.

Chris Baran 1:05:30
I can honestly say I have never had I’ve had potato pizza, but never pizza with potatoes on top of it. So that’s a new one. Let’s put carbs on carbs. And I know I’m gonna love it. Because I love mashed potatoes. And if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Ronit Enos 1:05:51
would be what would be more of a more of a listener a little? A little more. I’ve been working on that for a long time. And I’m doing pretty good, but I would not change it. I would work on myself even more beautiful.

Chris Baran 1:06:11
Your most treasured possession is a hard thing or a living thing. Yeah, I think as a possession thing that you own

Ronit Enos 1:06:22
credit cards. No, I’m kidding. I would say I love my air.

Chris Baran 1:06:29
You love what?

Ronit Enos 1:06:30
I love my Airstream. Oh, I love my Airstream. Yeah,

Chris Baran 1:06:36
that’s a whole nother podcast. Yes, yes. Something in the industry that you haven’t done, but you want to?

Ronit Enos 1:06:47
Well, my biggest fear was to do hairdressing, and do a bridal hair and create something so playful with the hair. I’d love to have a photoshoot with Chris, and Damien. And Vivian. And I want to play with the hair just the way you do it.

Chris Baran 1:07:13
Let’s sign it up. Because that’s one of all those peeps involved. I want to be there too. Okay. First of all, before I ask you the last question, where if people want to join, obviously, if they want to, if they want to get to your Profit First Book, they can go to Amazon, it’s available on there. But if they want to join your cadence community and become a part of that, or if they want to have you come and speak to them, where would where would they go? How could they get a hold of you?

Ronit Enos 1:07:43
We just lounge Profit First for salon on the audio version. And it’s such a great read. I read it myself. So it’s my accent in it, you have to get used to it. So I would say that, yeah, right. And to get that the best place to go is to go to our Instagram page, salon cadence and follow us and like us. And if you come and profit, then we will send you resources that are good for stylists, or good for owners, which basically will teach you how to utilize Profit First for Salon at home. That’s awesome. So if you guys wanted to do that, that there and just reach out to me via my email, I’m always approachable, very easy. So it’s Hello at Ronita inos.com. Please feel free to reach me for any question whenever you need something. Yeah, yeah.

Chris Baran 1:09:01
And that is r o n i t e n o s correct.com. And so he asked question, yes. If you had one wish for our industry, what would it be?

Ronit Enos 1:09:17
It’s a good question, Chris.

That all the educators, the mentors, the business consultant have their own event, their own Association.

Chris Baran 1:09:35
Oh, wow. Wow. I love it. Ronnie. Like we said, you truly are the profit to profit. And I want to thank you so much for being with us on head cases and sharing your time and giving your knowledge it was an absolute pleasure and thank you.

Ronit Enos 1:09:59
Thank you Chris are we going to Africa, Chris?

Chris Baran 1:10:05
We are we are going to Africa. Thank you for having saying I do the song right now was an absolute pleasure. Absolute pleasure, Ronnie, so much

Ronit Enos 1:10:16
fun. Thank you so much.

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